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More New Members + Applications Open!

We welcome three new members this week to Project Greenify—Helen, Tasniya, and Arhana!

Our Director of Publicity/Outreach—Sahir—has worked hard this week to recruit new members, and we're excited to have them on board! With our increased volunteer base, we'll be able to explore more projects and increase the surface area of our impact.

In addition to our new members, we'd also like to announce that we'll be opening up volunteer and school chapter applications. On the navigation bar, we've added a new tab Volunteer where new members can apply to be a part of the organization. For existing members, we have added another similar tab for them to submit applications to start a school chapter. If you're interested, check them out for more details!

In the following weeks, we'll look to launch new projects and also roll out another t-shirt design.

Stay posted!

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