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COVID-19 Supplies Run

Hi everyone, we're excited to announce that Project Greenify will be beginning a blog!

We hope to provide updates on any new developments and/or progress with our ongoing environmental projects!

We'd like to thank everyone who donated to our COVID-19 relief effortswe managed to provide hundreds of masks and gloves to local senior living communities.

However, on our deliveries, we heard something shocking:

"We, like most assisted living communities, have not received one piece of PPE from the state, local, or federal government agencies. And although we often hear that these items are plentiful, there have been days where myself or my business office manager have searched retailers only to find the items sold out, or that we are put in the 'queue' waiting for availability from our own vendors."

- Anonymous Senior Living Community staff member

From now on, we have decided that our COVID-19 supplies donations will become a bi-weekly or monthly routine. Our hearts go out to these seniors and these brave caretakers who try to ensure their good health and safety during these difficult times. Please consider donating to the many senior living centers in the tri-city area; they would greatly appreciate your help.

In addition to our COVID-19 relief efforts, we'll continue to keep you guys posted on our other ongoing environmental projects!

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